Count your blessings 🙏

Count your blessings 🙏

Count your blessings..


So many times this whole “count your blessings” thing can get jumbled up in this crazy thing called life. We face day to day issues, dilemmas, or what feel like are about to destroy our lives. So how are we supposed to count our blessings in a time that feels so helpless and dark? 


Well for starters take a deep breath. Sometimes we need to take a step back and just breathe a little.  A lot of times we run our self down, because we don’t take time to meditate for a minute.  Than address what is pulling you down and clouding that happy space in your mind. If you can’t think of anything you should try to approach life with a positive outlook. This sounds silly but it is proven that in the mornings if you smile right when you wake up you’re Day is more likely to be good. Why? Because you’re telling your brain that you’re happy. May I mention a huge blessing is the fact that you have the ability to read this blog. That’s like 2 blessings in one! 1. You have the technology needed to see this, and 2. You have the knowledge needed to read. When things aren’t going well in family, marriages, school, life, etc we loose the ability to be joyful. Wake up and look around. Smile because you’re given the gift of life. Smile because you overcame the obstacle you never thought you could. Smile because you choose to. Have a stress free day lucky souls, and don’t forget to count your blessings. 

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