Congratulations! We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted for admission to the University of Missouri (Mizzou)...
It was like receiving a college acceptance letter when we received our email approval as an official licensed retailer for the University of Missouri (Mizzou). The Lucky Soul campaign will be in full effect Summer 2016. The Campaign will be the start of our journey with the MU Children's Hospital, Mizzou and the entire MU community.
To learn more about the wonderful campaign benefiting the MU Children's Hospital please visit the "Campaign" tab on our home page.
Earlier this year Lucky Soul visited the MU campus to meet with all parties involved in the campaign. We met to brainstorm and strategize of the success of our partnership for the benefit of the MU Children's Hospital community. We are excited for what 2016 has is store for us here at LUCKY SOUL. We look forward to benefiting and helping even more lives than we did in 2015. Our first collegiate collection will hit stores in the surrounding MU area summer 2016 and we couldn't be more excited!